Emotions on shuffle mode

By Anonymous - 30/11/2021 22:58

Today, I've been single for years because I felt I could never trust anyone again. I finally opened up to someone, after she told me how much she'd loved me for quite a while. Now she ignores me like I don't even exist. Crash and burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 985
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s painful! Sometimes a “crush” turns out not to be the person that was fantasized about. Real people have good and not so good things about them while a “crush” you don’t really know is on a pedestal - Until you get to know them. There are multiple possible explanations - Was this person drunk or high at the time? Did you do or say something political or controversial that might have been off putting? A “crush” is the least effective form of romance possible. It’s usually based on very little of what makes an individual unique (their personality, talents, values) and typically just on appearance. And sometimes people go overboard on their declarations and later regret what they said. Take it slower, talk to the person, find out what they like, see if you have any common interests (but don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t). Get to know them a bit before any big declarations - That’s good advice for any situation, by the way.

So, you're good from far, but far from good. You should've stayed closed up.


That’s painful! Sometimes a “crush” turns out not to be the person that was fantasized about. Real people have good and not so good things about them while a “crush” you don’t really know is on a pedestal - Until you get to know them. There are multiple possible explanations - Was this person drunk or high at the time? Did you do or say something political or controversial that might have been off putting? A “crush” is the least effective form of romance possible. It’s usually based on very little of what makes an individual unique (their personality, talents, values) and typically just on appearance. And sometimes people go overboard on their declarations and later regret what they said. Take it slower, talk to the person, find out what they like, see if you have any common interests (but don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t). Get to know them a bit before any big declarations - That’s good advice for any situation, by the way.

So, you're good from far, but far from good. You should've stayed closed up.