Public freakout

By selfdefense - 12/10/2009 04:16 - United Kingdom

Today, a customer at work became violent and started hitting me and my coworker. Not wanting him to get the shit beat out of us, I used a move that pinned the guy on the ground. The police came and he was arrested. I was then fired for assaulting a customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 692
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

busdrivertohell 0

If the person is assaulting employees or other customers, they are no longer considered a customer.

Oh wow. That sucks. What did your boss expect? That you would let this guy beat the crap out of you and your co-worker? :S Oh those bosses these days.


moonlight_daze 8

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You should have let the customer beat the shit out of your boss, lol. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that is wrongful termination since you were under assault. Sue your asswipe boss.

Sue your boss for wrongful termination, sue the customer for trying to beat the shit out of you. Use the works' CCTV as evidence. If they don't have CCTV sue the work for endangering their employees.

suing - the idiot's answer to everything

Don't sue. I bet your work (like most) has a policy of not fighting back and instead, calling the police. Also, assault is causing fear. Battery is attacking them.

While lawsuits have certainly been used extremely frivolously, many people and employers will do nothing unless a court orders them to. The vast majority of humans are not reasonable.

Right, suing is wrong in every single case. So even though you were wrongfully terminated, let it go because hey, who needs money and job security? And so what someone attacked you and probably even caused you some injury. You'll be able to pay the doctor bills with the money you're not getting from being fired from work. Great thinking #37.

OP is from the UK... Where we have the NHS, and we don't need to pay doctor's bills. See what you don't need to worry about with national healthcare?

Wow! Do they pay your utility bills and provide food for you, too??? Didn't think so. The OP still needs money.

What the hell, the first post was a YDI? Dude, I hope someone comes up to you at work and smacks the shit out of you. DON'T FIGHT BACK THOUGH because apparently you think you shouldn't defend yourself from a customer attacking you. Really, get a lawyer. Sorry your boss is a jackass.

Yeah so you pay your insurance whenever you get a paycheck, buy something, or in any way move a pound from one pocket to another.

Bob31_fml 4

you're right - sit back and let the world walk all over you. YDI.

testing_fml 0 Love this site.


I agree whole-heartedly. The customer is not always right. In fact, there are many occurrences where the customer is very wrong and ends up making himself look like a complete asshole in the process. If I got fired for defending myself and other workers and customers, I'd probably try to get my boss sued. That's so ******* retarded.

#58, I was actually only responding to the part about doctor's bills in the post in front. Although, we have income support and job seeker's allowance to help with utilities and food. So yeah. They do need money. The state helps.

#78, in case you didn't realize it yet, we're responding to your comment about suing being solely for idiots when there are cases where it is obviously an understandable venture. Like when someone decides to beat the shit out of you.

Oh wow. That sucks. What did your boss expect? That you would let this guy beat the crap out of you and your co-worker? :S Oh those bosses these days.

busdrivertohell 0

If the person is assaulting employees or other customers, they are no longer considered a customer.

Tadmurah 0

You're completely right. Why do corporations these days allow their "customers" to literally beat up their employees and *still* cater to them no matter what? Selfdefense - sorry you lost your job. Maybe now you can find a better one in terms of pay and managers. :)

Sue for wrongful termination. Seriously it is against the law to fire you for that, infact the law gives you the right to not stand there and let a person smash your face in.

moonlight_daze 8

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amatayo 0

well you could sue for wrongful termination. or sue for working in an insafe area

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yes, because suing for getting fired for self defense is only gonna happen in America...

I think you mean "not wanting him to get the shit beat out of *by* us", right? Still this is a serious FML. Pursue this. Surely your store has security cameras.

i work as security at a fancy nightclub....i feel ur pain honestly i do

missethics 0

Hey Mercy, why don't you step down from your pedestal?