By Unloved. - 15/09/2009 10:09 - New Zealand

Today, I had dinner with my family in celebration of my 19th Birthday. I've been hinting that I need a new laptop for months now and I was sure my family had bought me one. I have got a pair of slipper socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 053
You deserved it 9 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well slipper socks ARE awesome. Fact is you are nineteen, expecting expensive birthday presents from your parents and being a little brat when you don't get one is very immature. You're an adult, go buy one yourself.


all im gonna say is how the **** does that make you unloved? at least your family bothered taking you out to celebrate your birthday which is a sure sign of love!

It's great how kids expect their parents to just fork out and buy a lap top for their bday. Have you not noticed the recession we are in? "New" lap top? Live with your old one.

hahahaha very anti-climatic LOOL slipper socks for a birthday present were they wrapped??

missshelbo 0

okaay, everyone.. chill out. 19 in New Zealand. - She is probably starting her first year of university. My sister was in this same situation a couple of months ago (tbh, i actually thought this might have been her FML.) stop assuming shes a spoilt brat. - and come on, stop getting so angry. People that get pissed off when they don't even know the whole situation really ruin this website, i don't read the comments anymore. (other than the ones i think are my sisters. hah) oh, and i love slippersocks.

"Unloved"? You sound like you were raised to get everything you want.

i totally agree with you. most of the people out there saying that shes spoiled are probably spoiled themselves. and there telling her to get a job? really! maybe she does have one and she was just hoping her parents would help her out! so lay off!

How is telling someone to "stop whining and get a job to take care of yourself" indicative of being spoiled?

omgitsjackiee 0

What the **** is this? I'm 15 and haven't gotten a present since I was 12. Big deal. I babysit for the neighborhood kids. Why? I actually WORK for my shit. New Laptop? If I even hinted it, my dad would slap me with a belt for being a greedy kid. I should get him to track you down and beat you with a belt for being such a lazy ass. If I were your parents, I wouldn't even want you to live in my house, I'd tell you to get a ******* job and make something of your life.

fallnangel7 0

WTF! your nineteen and you depend on your family to buy your shit' get a ******* job! I got my first laptop when I was seventeen with my own money and I got my new 1200$$ laptop a few months ago with my own money! FYL for being a bum!

H8fulwanker 1

well you bloody deserve it for being a spiteful wanker! Oh guess what, I never work in my whole teens life, me mum n dad bought me whatever I'd like. I didn't even have to do my laundry or cook, I have a maid for that. Maybe, just maybe, my parents love me, unlike yours who obviously hate you and find every opportunity to belt you just for the heck of it.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

You don't get presents when you get older. It comes with age. Sounds like you already had a laptop. Ungrateful and whiney.

erectoralcollage 0