By AllyCat - 07/06/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 070
You deserved it 5 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoot, that sucks! I didn't get anything for graduating, I got kicked out. I wish I had a snuggie lol.

DrAbe 0

wow bummer they could have atleast got you something better snuggies are stupid


DrAbe 0

wow bummer they could have atleast got you something better snuggies are stupid

The SNUGGIE CULT!! haha. That sucks though.

Shoot, that sucks! I didn't get anything for graduating, I got kicked out. I wish I had a snuggie lol.

**** YOU SNUGGIES RULE!! LOL.. FML for not having one.

Maybe they want to make sure you'll never have sex? I mean, hey, you can get boys to come over and watch TV, but with a Snuggie™...

Night22_fml 4

You can use it for scaring kids on Halloween this year :) If you've ever played Resident Evil 4, dress up like a zealot amd start saying "Cohethlo" you should know what I mean

Darth_Taco 14

Look at the bright side, you can burn it :D. At least you got a present for graduation. I didn't get anything for my 18th birthday or graduation. Instead I lost my best friends of 3 years on both occasions. Oh well, I'm not complaining. I'm around better people now :D. Still, snuggies suck! D:

DieselGirl 0

#9 - A blanket with sleeves. Basically it's a backwards robe. That reminds me, OP: You put on your robe and wizard hat?

#9.. WTF do you mean WTF is a snuggie? Look it up you lazy ****.LOL They are the ipidimy of awesome. AHAHA Also # 10 -(reference from by any chance?)