By pianoblues - 17/10/2016 20:22 - Canada - Thunder Bay

Today, I had a piano audition for a musical. Afterwards, the judge asked if I had any experience with percussion, and then told me she was considering me for a percussion part. I guess my piano audition really was THAT bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 053
You deserved it 1 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

You probably weren't bad. Honestly, she may have found someone a little bit better, but I'm not saying you did a bad job. I think that when auditions are held they have to find the absolute best. But I think it's really great that she offered you another part.

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

She might see some talent in you that you don't even know about. You never know where it can take you OP.


I was in a jazz band in high school. They considered piano a percussion instrument and my role in the band was keeping the beat through chords.

Maybe she thought you had a good sense of rhythm

Umm piano is a percussion instrument though...

Remember a piano IS a percussion instrument

Actually playing piano well is normally a requirement for percussion. I didnt read it as an FML as it sounds like you played piano so well that they want you to do percussion. Which is a HUGE compliment. From a former percussionist:)

I would have said that to you if you were great, but I already had a piano player in mind and I wanted to find something else for you.

speedfreak1022 9

Piano is a percussion instrument

They're not saying you're bad, quite the opposite actually. As all musical instruments need some degree of musical ability to play well. If you were bad they would have shown you the door. Or it may have been a test to see if your knowledge of piano was vast enough to know that it was a percussion instrument, or to see how you would take it. In which case you would have failed, horribly.

serpenyx 2

Whoa. Don't take it so negatively. Piano is technically percussion and chances are, they already have someone to play piano. It is the most common instrument. So, embrace this chance to play some cool percussive shit. It'll be good.