By yankesik - 03/01/2016 22:42 - Poland - Kalisz

Today, I sneezed hard while eating some quite spicy potato chips at my friend's house. Some of the chips passed to the nasal cavity, and I ended up having to pick my nose for some pointy, spicy chips shrapnel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 290
You deserved it 1 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're so bent on puttint some stuff in your nose, might as well do cocaine.


If you're so bent on puttint some stuff in your nose, might as well do cocaine.

Mathalamus 24

that sounds really painful. and unpleasant. well, good luck. if i suffer it, ill consider it good karmic payback.

You could use the solution that is used for sinus infections.

Or stick your nose under the tap, inhale on one side and blow it out straight away. I had to do that after I got sick from my work Christmas party, it was great fun seeing the carrots I ate for lunch the day before come up through my nose.

im sorry man. did you have a crunchy time

Reading this actually made me cringe and brought a tear to my eye thinking of the spice

The granola bar guy made me remember this, so I decided to share :D

ArmchairAnalyst 9 didn't happen today? The fml is a lie.

I'm trying to think of something witty to say but I can't. All I can is say is damn op, that really sucks. That's some saw shit right there.

I hope you mean EX friend's hou—wait, no, the friend is completely irrelevant to the story.

dannidoll93 24

Brings a new meaning to "inhaling your food". Did you pick your nose and eat it?