By pianoblues - 17/10/2016 20:22 - Canada - Thunder Bay

Today, I had a piano audition for a musical. Afterwards, the judge asked if I had any experience with percussion, and then told me she was considering me for a percussion part. I guess my piano audition really was THAT bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 053
You deserved it 1 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

You probably weren't bad. Honestly, she may have found someone a little bit better, but I'm not saying you did a bad job. I think that when auditions are held they have to find the absolute best. But I think it's really great that she offered you another part.

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

She might see some talent in you that you don't even know about. You never know where it can take you OP.


Korra_fml 23

I clicked on this FML to leave a certain comment, however the point seems to be pretty well made already... carry on

The Piano is considered a percussion instrument.

Don't feel bad! In orchestras and professional bands, piano is considered a part of the percussion section. She would not have asked you about it if she thought you couldn't play. Take it as a compliment on how well you kept time during your performance - you obviously stuck to the tempo of the piece really well.

Hahaha hahahahahahahaha amazing! glad to see you taking it with a light heart.

But percussion is fun! I'm sure you did great, though; good luck OP!

YOU IDIOT! Piano IS a percussion instrument.

Don't worry! You can only play percussion if you have at least 3 years of piano exprience. Basically you have to be really good.

uh pianos ARE percussion yeah...