By Big Mouth - 13/11/2018 14:00

Today, my class had a debate about religion. My classmate said that Christians couldn't be circumcised because "only Jewish people are". Without thinking, I said it isn't true because I'm Christian and I’m circumcised. I accidentally gave the whole class a mental picture of my dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 288
You deserved it 1 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Own that shit! "It's circumcised, and 9 inches, ladies. And that's when it's flaccid."

sourgirl101 28

Paul of Tarsus changed many of the criteria rules. Guess he knew that more people would convert to christianity if they were no longer “required” to cut part of their penises off. Plus he knew people loved bacon.


Own that shit! "It's circumcised, and 9 inches, ladies. And that's when it's flaccid."

ChromoTec 24

I though it was Jewish people who weren't circumcized

It depends. Some do, some don't. But a brit milah is a ceremony for the removal of the foreskin on a baby Jewish boy.

PenguinPal3017 19

This is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard on here.

Hoeksche 10

i thought only muslims were circumcised

easygoing765 3

That’s true! I was reading this and was like uhhhh you’re gonna fail your class 😂😂

sourgirl101 28

Paul of Tarsus changed many of the criteria rules. Guess he knew that more people would convert to christianity if they were no longer “required” to cut part of their penises off. Plus he knew people loved bacon.

Luckily for everyone it wasn’t Show-and-Tell Day!

Sounds like someone’s bragging about their dick.

Justin Allan Bannister 9

it doesn't matter. Sometimes guys are circumcised for health reasons.

Psychonaut77 5

Should have made your username "Big Dick Bigger Mouth", OP. Unless that's not your situation down there, I guess.

I feel you, OP. I also have a bad habit of saying things without thinking first. Happened to me last night, only through text instead. 😕 It's like our mouths work faster than our brains. Hopefully, they'll eventually put it in the back of their minds.

Not necessarily, everybody for the most part knows what a dick looks like.

It's okay, most guys are circumcised regardless of religion. Besides, once you've seen one dick, you've pretty much seen them all. lol

Hoeksche 10

not true, i do not know anyone who is circumcised, its really rare...

Depends where you are from... I’ve personally only seen one uncircumcised penis so being circumcised is VERY common where I’m from(NJ, USA)