By Doodle - 02/08/2010 00:20 - United States

Today, I was coaching at a swim meet. I heard a few of my swimmers screaming about a huge wasp on my head, so I told everyone to stay calm because we didn't want to upset the wasp. Unfortunately, I was interrupted by another coach from our team hitting me repeatedly on the head with a clipboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 3 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you're an idiot. That's like saying, "Run onto the field in the middle of a football game." Plus, coaches are fully clothed and probably have a cellphone, timer, or some other electronic equipment on them. Not to mention that would be completely unnecessary anyway, the wasp would've probably flown away in a few seconds.


ohthebloodygore 16
SoundnVasion 0

ydi for possibly having something on your head that attracts wasps causing a wasps yo land on your head causing your coach to hit you on the head with a clipboard

I dunno. I mean, I'm responding to the people replying to me. I'm so popular.

BoyFromTheFuture 0

u got owned. It's like that scene from home alone where marv tries to kill the tarantula with a crowbar. except it's a clipboard... get it.

MyChemical_fml 0

Haha I get it... Marv was hilarious :3

Freeze, you forgot to reply to number twelve. He's anxiously awaiting your reply.

i would have shoved that clipboard up the coaches spinchter.

FFML_314 11

Your life has a lot of meaning Freeze. OP, at least you didn't rear end anyone. :/

Why are there a lot of wasp fmls? Yes freeze, you can go ahead and answer that question. That question is meant for anybody.

YDI for being at a swim meet when all the swimmers screamed about a wasp being on your head, then you telling them to calm down so they wouldn't upset the wasp, then unfortunately getting hit in the head repeatedly with a clipboard by another coach.

skroal, are you Trollz4daLULZ's butt buddy?

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

35- Exactly what I was thinking. I don't like hating on people either but this guys starting to get annoying bc he does that on a lot of the FML's. :(

FFML_314 11

I will trade places with him. He can now die in a fire.

32 - I dunno but people getting owned by them is lulz worthy

FREEZE IS ******* AWESOME! Oh my god, i'm sorry. That has never happened to me before...

wowmomurcool 0

wow this sounds sooo wrong if you have a dirty mind like I do o.0

"oh no I got hit over the head by a clipboard trying to kill a wasp that may sting me dozens of times on my skull!" man the **** up, could b alot worse. and wouldn't u feel it land on yr head?

maybe the kids where lying and playing a joke. your team is winning and te other coach decided to take the chance and hit u with the clipboard.

astarwarsfan 0

it seems like the coach's pride (puts on sunglasses) wasn't the only thing wounded yeah, that was kinda lame

karmaSUCKS321453 0

does nobody else get that freeze is trying to put an end to douchebags replying to 1 to be on top??

MhP_fml 0
jadeasian 0

hahaha seriously made me lol haha hehe funny...

yougotitgood 4
Roflmaaark 0

he couldn't, the kids would be swimming. might land on one of them.

Wow, you're an idiot. That's like saying, "Run onto the field in the middle of a football game." Plus, coaches are fully clothed and probably have a cellphone, timer, or some other electronic equipment on them. Not to mention that would be completely unnecessary anyway, the wasp would've probably flown away in a few seconds.

spinkykitty1990 0

ur an idiot the wasp will stay above the water till he comes up for air...learn about wildlife before assuming u know what to do

swiftcreek2007 0

haha and take that bitch.! wham.!

zimbry 0

aww the poor wasp. you coulda let him just fly away and have a happy life.

he would have if he wasn't gettin wacked in the head with a clipboard :/

Tikwichka 5

He wasn't hitting himself with the clipboard. Re-read and try again.

And what better way to knock some sense into you, OP!

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Hwikek 2

Swimming! I think I love you just for mentioning my favorite sport. Not in a sexual sense though

281go 4

At least they were looking out and tying to help you........ Be grateful

o0Semper0Fi0o 0

damn, u sexy girl, ooh yeah u sexy girl mmmm

UmbraeCatervae 0

dude i love OP sum1 finally mentions swimming! ('10 NC 100 fly champ) its a sport!

what did you go? like a 45? btw fly is my major stroke and stupid LC season is almost over, after jr nats that is...