By drama king? - 10/04/2013 22:17 - United States - Bolivar

Today, I had a friend "dump" me over Facebook. She apparently thought we were dating. I'm a gay man who's lived with his partner for 5 years. She says I have commitment issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 566
You deserved it 5 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SelenaMilkshake 17

Perfect opportunity to embarrass the hell out of her. Or you can just troll her and post a picture of you kissing your boyfriend with the caption "You turned me gay."


Strangely enough, I actually have a similar thing happening with me. I **** blocked an asshole so now everyone thinks I like this chick and everyone is jumping through hurdles to get us together. I am just as gay, though single, as the OP. so I feel his pain/confusion. Good luck :)

While that does suck, it's her who looks bad, and you can just have a good laugh with your boyfriend/"partner"

Obryn 9

Honestly, that's pretty damn funny. Shows that some people just see what they want to see, facts be damned!

Ok so she assumed you were dating although she didn't know you enough to know that you are 1/ gay and 2/ in a long term relationship? What did she base "your" relationship with her on? A peck on the cheek when you said hello?

Yup, and then he said he liked her new hairstyle, which obviously meant he's in love with her, and that was all it took. Happily ever after. Until he went and cheated on her with his boyfriend, the bastard.

She seems to have some delusion issues.

You seem to have missed that someone already made this comment.

So I did. Oh dear, are you going to make me walk the plank?

RedPillSucks 31
cupcakedoom 3

My twin had similar experience with a room mate..only she got a bf and he lost his marbles.

I'm happy and surprised nobody's scolded him for being gay yet.

Why on earth would he be scolded for that?

RedPillSucks 31

People don't need reasons to do stupid stuff.

perdix 29

I'd agree with her. Pretending you are gay to avoid the inevitable truth that you two belong together does indicate that you have a problem.

Doesn't it say on most people's Facebook accounts 'in a relationship with...'? How could she not have seen you were alrwady with someone?

Some people don't mess with their profile (timeline now) options and information much. Or perhaps the girl played it off as some joke at first, but was really serious. I don't know how many times my friends have been 'married' or other relationship statuses when they are not.