What the frick?

By cuckoo - 22/08/2015 03:59 - United States - Mobile

Today, I was shopping with my girlfriend, when I saw my best friend. I jokingly did a double-take and said I didn't recognize him with his clothes on. We laughed, talked a bit, then went our separate ways. My girlfriend later dumped me, claiming I'm blatantly gay and cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 554
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a win if she can't take a joke

She should learn to take a joke, it's friends like those you want to keep and girlfriends like her who you're better without!


I think that's a win if she can't take a joke

Honestly, she has serious paranoia issues and is also blatantly homophobic. Go find someone else OP.

Seems like she has slightly small trust issues. Did she know he was your best friend? or just some stranger? Either way, sorry OP

She should learn to take a joke, it's friends like those you want to keep and girlfriends like her who you're better without!

If she can't accept that you have close friends or joke around, I think you dodged a bullet.

MdMan2 23

Sounds like something my friend and I would do. I can't believe your girlfriend couldn't tell you were joking.

If she reacts that badly to a joke then you're getting lucky by not having to deal with her anymore.

Wow... insecure much. Something wrong with her.

I do the same with my best mate only I have a super jealous girlfriend and I decided to see how jealous so I tried and successfully made her jealous of my best mate by all the gay stuff me and him would talk about