By Anonymous - 30/06/2019 14:05

Today, my mom called me to tell me she'd got in touch with my ex for his birthday, and that the two of them had made a plan for us to get back together. My new boyfriend was in the process of proposing to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 206
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ex-citing. Why must people start drama? Make it clear to both parties where you stand. Your BF should understand that this is on your mom and not you.

why would you answer the phone if he was in the process of proposing? and it's not like your mother can control your life so not that big a deal.


Ex-citing. Why must people start drama? Make it clear to both parties where you stand. Your BF should understand that this is on your mom and not you.

why would you answer the phone if he was in the process of proposing? and it's not like your mother can control your life so not that big a deal.

Respectfully, your ex should have f'ed off.

F your ex's and your mom's life for thinking that he'd get back with you, unless you are interested? Mom doesn't like fiance?

toxicMadame 7

Did you say yes to the proposal?

randybryant799 20

So you answered the phone while your boyfriend was proposing? That's nuts.