By Anonymous - 24/11/2011 10:35 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 15/02/2013 07:18 - United States - Modesto
By Anonymous - 18/11/2022 22:00 - Australia
In a rush
By Crappy - 11/04/2015 12:12 - Canada - Rodney
By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 06:02 - United States
By lulu - 11/02/2012 10:19 - United States
By dukemisery - 12/12/2016 09:33 - Hong Kong - Central District
It's the way I tell 'em
By Anonymous - 21/07/2024 09:00 - United States - San Diego
Body issues
By JeremySayz - 25/08/2024 00:00 - United States - Seattle
Meat is murder
By lanbon182 - 10/04/2009 05:11 - United States
By ClaustrophobicNightmares - 28/03/2014 08:42 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Top comments
He should take it home and eat it!
Was there Peter Griffin also?
If one is trapped in an elevator one can not simply walk home with that chicken.
Was it good?
Well if you get hungry...
Damn chickens. Getting indoors somehow and then getting stuck in elevators.
47- but why are we questioning the chicken's motives?
47- maybe he already crossed the road
Woah! Where do u go 2 hav chickens in elevators with u!!! That is great!
Pretty sure that was a turkey.
That was a turkey .. And it was dead
It's obvious that the chicken was trying to get to the ground floor so it could cross the road...
If I were in OPs shoes, I would be entertained by the chicken
You got food, don't you? At least you won't starve.
Aw man I hate (w)hen that happens!
At least OP won't starve if he's stuck for long.
Sadly, that can never be...
The funny thing is he had to get into an elevator and stay in it with a chicken before it got stuck. He accepted the fact there was a chicken before the thing got stuck lol
What type of sauce did you eat it with?
If you add "fail attempt at a good comment" to the end of your comment, it actually makes it a fail attempt at a good comment. Otherwise the comment would have been just fine.
Nice try #2. So close yet so far...
Oh man, I can actually hear how low this person's self-confidence is through a comment left on FML. -2
No...just no...
I like you just cuz u like mcr.
Now how did that happen?
The Hangover Part III maybe?
Maybe someone put the chicken in the elevator as a prank then OP got in without realizing it was in there? Thus the FML :D
Or maybe the chicken crossed the street to get into the elevator.
So 76 why did the chicken take the elevator?
He took the elevator because he had an elusive chickens-only Thanksgiving party to attend.
To get to the other floor
Chickens aren't as scary as roosters. Holy god, roosters are freaky.
*INTO. Not IN to.
Yay free food :)
well now you have an interesting story to share
Chickens peck...
Im sorry 7 I looked at ur pic and completely forgot what the FML was about and it kinda looked like you were talking about your own pic. Lol
Unless you poke em with a stick
Chickens don't have teeth. Couldn't the chicken also be a person? As in a scared person? An actual chicken would be better.
Does it matter? :D
Oh, or grilled! Mmmmm :P
I thought it was alive
Are we asking if the OP or the chicken was fried or baked?
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your new ****.
Was it KFC???
Actually, it was McDonalds. LOL jk McDonalds doesn't use chickens.
KFC stands for Kentucky fried chicken. Name of a fast food restaurant . ( we just call it dirty bird for short.)
Now how did that happen?