Party zone!!

By helloworld92 - 31/01/2009 20:33 - United States

Today, I hung out with my crush for only the second time at his apartment. He was having a party. After a few sips of my green apple smirnoff, I puked up the Chinese food I had eaten earlier all over his new couch in front of him and a bunch of people I didn't know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 270
You deserved it 8 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least aim for the floor! Dammit, it costs a lot of money to have a couch cleaned professionally. You seriously owe him like oral sex on demand for a month or something.


At least aim for the floor! Dammit, it costs a lot of money to have a couch cleaned professionally. You seriously owe him like oral sex on demand for a month or something.

So he has to pay to clean the couch and in return she gives oral? Doesn't that sound like protestation ?

Talis99 26

No one ever "owes" anyone sexual favors.

Talis99 26

@sammieg: I think you mean "prostitution" and if you do, you don't understand how prostitution works. If you did mean protestation, that makes even less sense.

I agree with #3, with the on-demand oral for a month I'd let it slide

NightElfGod 0

shit...please tell me it was smirnoff vodka. I have a friend who cant even handle 1 shot of anything but she can drink those regular smirnoffs like it was water.

MukyDaCookie 0

Whats lighter than a featherweight? You!

Today i put a date rape drug in this girls drink i guess it didnt go over well she puke it up with a bunch of chineese food FML

YDI for eating Chinese food instead of cookies!!! Cookie!

Jess_Love 0

yeah... ... cookies... or pretzels... and for those of you calling her a lightweight (it might be true... and it might not...): chinese food usually has rice, right? rice expands when there is a liquid to soak up, right? rice soaks up alcohol, her stomach can't hold it all, she pukes... doesn't mean she's a lightweight.

Jess_Love just changed my outlook on life with that.

aquariusbeauty 0

No more chinese food for you!

Same thing happened to me only his brother actually stepped in a puddle of my puke we've been dating for three months now don't worry about it too much LOL