My Humps

By nix1993 - 19/10/2019 21:00 - United Kingdom - Chorley

Today, I visited my old job to pick up some paperwork. Since leaving over a year ago, I’ve lost over 60lbs, but I’m currently 6 months pregnant. Not a single person believed that I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 586
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's important thing is your SO believes it, and your OB/Gyn. Beyond that, who gives a shit?

Haters will hate! Good going & good luck, OP!


Just show up with the baby problem solved that'll shut them up

It's important thing is your SO believes it, and your OB/Gyn. Beyond that, who gives a shit?

bl3ur0z3 17

Oh, no! You've lost so much weight that your ormandy leaves you smaller than you were when they last saw you, that's terrible. Better go eat some cookies.

Haters will hate! Good going & good luck, OP!

Mungolikecandy 19

What difference does it make if they accept you are pregnant or not?

That’s not really something to believe or not believe. I can’t imagine they really said they didn’t believe you when you told them. Are you just upset that nobody noticed on their own?