By dukemisery - 12/12/2016 09:33 - Hong Kong - Central District

Today, after being trapped in an elevator for 4 hours, I really had to pee. Just when I decided to pee in the elevator shaft, the lift doors opened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 026
You deserved it 1 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Get away with peeing in an elevator" Best bucket list item ever :D

Must have pissed off the guys opening the doors. Then probably pissed on them to


cheshireau 26

Really? It was that bad you couldn't just hold it?

I'm guessing by the 4-hour mark, OP was pretty convinced that he was going to be in there for a lot longer than anticipated and he did what he had to do.

Also you have no idea how much they had to drink before and how long ago they last went to the toilet.

Motherbitch, he was in there for FOUR hours. There's no way he could have expected to be in such a large Dill pickle. And besides, what if he was already holding it in? The OP most likely knew how long the elevator took to go from A to B, so he knew he was capable of waiting that short time.

That elevator was really taking the piss.

cootiequeen4444 11

you waited 4 hours. it was in the shaft and not the actually elevator room. you did what you could do beyond holding even longer, but idk... that might end up in you accidently pissing yourself... and I know I would probably be disgruntled enough to be like "I don't care what you ******* think you took to long to get me I had to pee" (though yeah, it would still be embarassing.). so dont worry too much, OP... although I'm hoping you really meant the elevator shaft is where you peed and not the elevator itself... I'd gather that would be possible to do if the first set of elevator doors opened and not the floor/building doors.. though.. small target area to be able to do this I'd imagine. you didn't end up peeing on your rescuers did you? >_>

"Get away with peeing in an elevator" Best bucket list item ever :D

Must have pissed off the guys opening the doors. Then probably pissed on them to

If only it had enough "o"s, this would be the reply of the day!

I think I'm gonna carry a bag with me every time I use the elevator from now on, just in case

From the guy that was there when the doors open.. Today, while I was waiting for the elevator, which was taking a long time, I really had the urge to go bathroom... When the doors finally opened, I saw another person pee'ing which really made my bladder hurt... I think some might have come out...FML

I think about possibly having to do this every time I get into a lift.

spookycat32 6

How did you have access to the elevator shaft from inside the elevator?