By anon - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States

Today, I got my first tattoo. It was a surprise for my fiancé: our names together over a heart. I went home but before I could show him, he said we had to have a 'talk.' Now my ex's name is tattooed on my back. The kicker? Turns out I'm allergic to the ink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 886
You deserved it 76 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you never tattoo a name on yourself. Try something symbolic, that way if this happens, it's just a tattoo and doesn't have to mean anything anymore

That's the reason why the only names you tattoo on yourself are your kids and dead family members


*sigh* Tattoos of your lovers are always the kiss of death in the relationship.

Xaos 0

#105: Even then it can potentially backfire. I mean, magine that you had an uncle who died, one you actually liked enough to get a tattoo in his memory. Now imagine that about a year later it turns out that Sweet Old Uncle Arnie has spent the better half of his life molesting children... even dead people can mess up the bond you had with them, from the grave. Also your kids: however hard you hope they don't, even they can do something that will make you hate them and regret having the tattoo. (I'm talking serious stuff here, the parent-kid myth, **** that; people can do evil shit, even against their own blood.) So, if you must.. a memorial tattoo is imo about the only name tattoo you may consider actually getting if said person meant the world to you. Having said that: #87: Hi! I'm one of them.

That was a bad decision on your part. I'm sorry that happened, though, that's really horrible. :/

MCart_fml 0

18, 54, I totally disagree with you. Tattoos are awesome if well thought out and done in moderation, I have met many girls with tattoos that had some amazingly artistic designs and applications. Personally, I have none but only because I haven't seen something I would like on me (yet). To each their own. Getting someone else's name however... serious fail.

xoxowhatever 0

well i guess you learned your lesson. luckily you can prob get it covered up with something else. I did something for my boyfriend with a tattoo. I have two robots on my side. The first one I got is a sad robot holding a dead flower. About a year later I got a happy robot giving the other one a living flower. The second one was a blue heart because my boyfriend now has blue eyes and he has made my life much happier. Go with something like that next time so when people look at it they wont know. AND #18 i completely DISAGREE. I have a couple tattoos and all my boyfriends have loved them. Not every man hates tattoos. I love tattoos on men and women. not all over but a few is sexy.

#1: That's exactly what I did. My hubby and I have been together for 10 years, married for 4 and I still wouldn't get his name tattooed on me. Instead I got a very small butterfly, because every piece of jewelry he's ever bought me is a butterfly. The only situation where I can see getting someone's name tattooed on you is if it's your child. Otherwise, you're just an idiot.

Bummer. That's why you don't get names tattooed on you.