Keep in touch

By Anonymous - 01/11/2019 22:00

Today on my birthday, my wife thought it would be a good idea to get matching tattoos. Our tattoo artist happened to be her ex-boyfriend. I sat and listened to them talk about their relationship and how they should stay in touch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 131
You deserved it 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

E2dav 5

They're clearly not having an affair, or they would have hidden from you, so you can relax they are just friends. Dick move of her not checking with you that you were comfortable with her ex as the tattoo artist though

If you are uncomfortable about stuff, you should speak up about it. Whether you are being unreasonable or not is not the point. What is important is that the two of you communicate about it.


Plus, he got to stick his needle into her, over and over again, while you just sat there and watched. Why did you go to her boyfriend's (not sure whether ex- really applies) tattoo parlors? They're one on every corner!

Insecure much? Calm your ****..... I don’t know if you’re aware but you can be friends with someone who you have slept with. 😱 shocker I know. 🙄

E2dav 5

They're clearly not having an affair, or they would have hidden from you, so you can relax they are just friends. Dick move of her not checking with you that you were comfortable with her ex as the tattoo artist though

If you are uncomfortable about stuff, you should speak up about it. Whether you are being unreasonable or not is not the point. What is important is that the two of you communicate about it.

Finding a good artist is tough. She took you there, so it’s out in the open. Deal with it.

There is nothing wrong with communicating your concerns. And for those of you putting this guy down: people do cheat. Maybe he’s had a partner cheat on him before.

tounces7 27

"just happened"? Nah, bullshit, she knew.

Put on your big girl panties and take a deep breath. The person obviously has some good traits or your present mate wouldn’t have dated them. There was obviously some incompatibilities or they wouldn’t have broken up. They evidently feel confident about the relationship with you or they wouldn’t want to get a tattoo linking you two forever. Now breathe. Your mate wants to talk to a good person and still wants to bind to you. Stop being insecure, no one finds that attractive

Never EVER get matching tattoos or anything with a spouse on it. Kids are ok, mom/dad, ok, but never a spouse/bf/gf/etc...