By anon - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States

Today, I got my first tattoo. It was a surprise for my fiancé: our names together over a heart. I went home but before I could show him, he said we had to have a 'talk.' Now my ex's name is tattooed on my back. The kicker? Turns out I'm allergic to the ink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 886
You deserved it 76 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you never tattoo a name on yourself. Try something symbolic, that way if this happens, it's just a tattoo and doesn't have to mean anything anymore

That's the reason why the only names you tattoo on yourself are your kids and dead family members


i've been told the only names to get tatooed on you are "mom" "dad" or your kids. tattoos are permanent, a lot of relationships aren't.

0592635 0

u dont tattoo a name on your body hun

Christy_Dior 0

Aaw :( Get it removed! You don't want that asshole's name on your back.

That sucks, but seriously, don't tattoo someone's name on you. You're just asking for trouble. Not only will you have your ex's name etched in your skin, but no-one will date you because they'll think you're taken. Also, it's emotional blackmail -- "I have a tattoo of you, now you HAVE to stay with me".

Thats retarded. Thats like the kiss of death/

I'm sorry, but #1 tattoo rule: Don't get tattoos of your lover's name. It could be worse though. I've seen people get portraits of their lovers tattooed onto them. It really sucks that you were allergic to ink. As if having the tattoo weren't bad enough

bsaucedo 0

bahahaha kiss of death lmaooo

CassandraBear93 0