By anon - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States

Today, I got my first tattoo. It was a surprise for my fiancé: our names together over a heart. I went home but before I could show him, he said we had to have a 'talk.' Now my ex's name is tattooed on my back. The kicker? Turns out I'm allergic to the ink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 886
You deserved it 76 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you never tattoo a name on yourself. Try something symbolic, that way if this happens, it's just a tattoo and doesn't have to mean anything anymore

That's the reason why the only names you tattoo on yourself are your kids and dead family members


Silver_Eyes 0

Ah, man, that sucks. Never get a boyfriend/fiancee/husband's name tattooed on your body. That's exactly why.

minnerxx3 0

you've got to be kidding me... you don't do that for THAT reason. duh. way to go.

lol dumb ****, don't you know not to do thattt ?

drocks93 0

name tattoos never end good :/

ZacharyorAndrew 0

who wants to mark their own body with ink lik u op. fag

now insurance will pay to remove it tho =]

jussjess 0

you deserve this soooo much for tattoeing a name if someone who isnt a relative...