By Anonymous - 24/11/2013 01:29 - United States

Today, I got excited because I found Monsters University and The Croods online, neither of which I've seen. I'm 33, single, and it's Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 161
You deserved it 8 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing wrong with that. Unless you're wanting to do something else, in which case you should do that instead.


I'm sure there are plenty of other 30 something's that's would be happy to spend a night in watching movies with you. Put yourself out there and find that person.

Nothing wrong with that. I've never understood the idea that a person needs to be going out every weekend in order to be having fun and not be seen as a loser. I like quiet weekends in. :)

laurelwhite93 5

That sounds like a fantastic night idc who you are! Lol

Get a haircut, start running for a sport, change your clothing, read about socializing en use your just experienced awareness.

Don't worry, OP. You are not alone. I'm 26, single and also like animated movies.

I domt get how this is an fml those movies r awesome

Do worry about that. I'm 19 and I willingly bought both

why so down? I love kiddy movies and I'm not ashamed to say it! I actually watched both of those movies at the theatre this summer : ) hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!

I love Monster University and also love Monster Inc...Both of them are great movies .