By Anonymous - 24/11/2013 01:29 - United States

Today, I got excited because I found Monsters University and The Croods online, neither of which I've seen. I'm 33, single, and it's Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 161
You deserved it 8 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing wrong with that. Unless you're wanting to do something else, in which case you should do that instead.


I'm 30 and I saw both of those before my kid did! Love on them and don't be ashamed of it at all!

try or just google 1channel if u wanna find more movies lol and theres nth wrong with liking kid movies!

Honestly, OP, watching kids' movies that have awesome life lessons and a great story are infinitely better than any drama-induced, feel-bad reality show crap that an overrated television network could show. No wonder the adult demographic is so messed up.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying shows meant for a younger crowd. I'm 22 and still love watching them.

Fireful 9

lol you're whining about nothing

Your watching the croods and your 33? Maybe that's why your single

MzZombicidal 36

Coming from someone who claims to preach about Peace, Love, Unity and Respect...

glitterbomb13 4

That sounds perfect but I'm 20& taken & still lonely on a Saturday

Im 26 and i still love a good disney movie from time to time. But my story? Married with two kids, and i didn't have much of a childhood, so i missed out on a lot of disney movies. My favorite? Either Pocahontas or Pinnochio.