By Wick - 26/05/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket while driving to my court date for a prior speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 012
You deserved it 115 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TurtleGenius 0

Way to learn from your mistakes. Kudos man. I bet court went well...

Maybe this time you'll learn. Probably not, though.


on what planet is this an fml? YDI. TWICE.

Wow, a lot of raging idiocy in this thread. If you honestly believe the purpose of speed limits has anything at all to do with safety, you're living in a very deluded reality. Most of the time, if you're the kind of careless driver as to crash, you're going to crash no matter if you go slow or not. It's not always about how fast you are going, but how much attention you are paying. Use discretion when you drive. If you think you're going dangerously fast, then slow down. But breaking the speed limit has nothing to do with it. Speeding tickets (and seat belt tickets) are given only to generate revenue. The only reason the government cares about your life is because you pay taxes. Don't forget this. Everybody speeds. If you don't speed, you're probably a hazard on the road, because in most areas, the traffic flow is over the speed limit, and driving too slow is much more dangerous than driving fast. Nevertheless, since you got the ticket, it's still your fault. Learn the speed traps and you'll be better off.

well no, not everybody does speed. the people that don't speed are the ones going too slow that are hazards to the other cars flowing above the speed limit

#17 Speeding isn't unsafe in itself. Speed doesn't kill, unsafe drivers do. For example young guys thinking they're invincible and know everything, they're unsafe. Women putting on make-up while driving, those are unsafe. In fact, I've gone with several women driving and I can honestly say quite a few has been classified as unsafe in my book (Awaiting shitstorm). Active driving vs passive driving, it makes a world of difference. Just the other day I was picked up by a friend to go watch racing in the neighbor town, we probably didn't get under 100mph more than a few times, despite that it felt 100% safe, because whenever it was needed, he'd slow down, there isn't THAT much that can happen on the highway as long as you know what you're doing. The whole speed kills argument must end, instead it needs to be about ridding ourselves of the passive drivers...

#122, inexperieced drivers who speed are a danger in themselves, on top of passive drivers who aren't really paying attention to what they're doing. but if you think about it, someone driving passively going 40 mph has a better chance of surviving an accident than someone that's actively driving at 100 mph... but to the OP: A) you should've known that if you're on your way to court... it's definitely not a good idea to speed, it's AFTER you go to court and everything's settled down that it's moderately mre okay to do so. i speed all the time, i've gotten a ticket going 90 in a 70 zone, to anyone bitching about him/her speeding in general, get over yourselves, as if you've NEVER sped before and that you don't still... B) i wonder what the judge had to say if he/she found out about the ticket you just got... and that woulda been a bitch if it was the same ticketing officer on his/her way to court to attend the hearing :P

myFISTwavesHELLO 0

yo dawg, we heard you like speeding tickets so we put a speeding ticket in your speeding ticket so you can fail while you fail

And then some say the penal system doesn't work ...

skiz_fml 0

I was going to say that if one speeding ticket doesn't slow you down for a little while, this is going to be an expensive lesson for you. But then a tranquil wave of happiness overtook me: before it gets really expensive, you will have lost your license! :) A vision of you on the bus, a slow, slow, slow, slow bus full of losers. Bliss!

Tobunshi 0