By Wick - 26/05/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket while driving to my court date for a prior speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 012
You deserved it 115 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TurtleGenius 0

Way to learn from your mistakes. Kudos man. I bet court went well...

Maybe this time you'll learn. Probably not, though.


fretforyerlatte 0

YDI. and, you can subtract one of the FYL votes because i clicked it on accident.

hahahahahah oh noo! this sort of happened to me too. I commute to Rutgers and I got a ticket for parking in a lot....that i was clearly allowed to park in. So the next day, when I went to appeal it, I had to park first and then go to the building. Long story short, I got another ticket while going to appeal the first one. it sucks but its a funny story to tell...later on (:

UBER EPIC FAILL!! I bet the judge was happy.

cherry_blossom 0

wow. that's intense. maybe you should just learn to drive the speed limit. not that hard, buddy..

Be more careful next time. Pretty sure you can get your license taken away if the 2 incidents are less than 2 months apart (at least in NY). YDI for not being more careful. #121 nailed it. The rest of you "speeding is wrong bawwwwwwwwwwwww" crybabies can gso.

DarkMirror 0

There seems to be a pattern here...

corpsegrinder_fml 0

maybe you'll use your head next time

you must of tried really hard to do that.

#146 Your argument fails. If you drive _too_ fast through a corner, it's your fault. The drivers driving skills set his limits, or someone elses skills set the limit by him crashing into the speeding car. If every driver turned active and actually tried to develop their driving skill, we'd probably have safer roads.