By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I gave my wife of four years a special anniversary gift: a red rose dipped in liquid gold so that she would cherish and admire it forever. She told me it was too "Italian" looking. I now have a hundred dollar rose sitting in my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 249
You deserved it 6 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but your wife is an ignorant bitch.

boatkicker 4

aww. I'm sorry. that sucks. What does too "Italian" mean? whats wrong with italian looking things?


what the hell is wrong with italian looking things? what an ungrateful cow.

Lance_Uppercut 0

YDI for thinking that something that tacky could impress anyone.

100 bucks after 4 years...thats pretty cheap if you ask me

mydogsmellsgood 0

Maybe they don't have a lot of money. Whatever happened to the "thought that counts." If you're oly getting married to get bigger and better gifts every year, stay single.

A gold dipped rose, and an ungrateful wife. FYL.

Next time just give her a dead wilting rose. Maybe then she'll be happy. Jeez, I'm sorry she doesn't appreciate your effort.

Bullshet 0

Some of these comments only show how materialistic they are. When someone gets a gift for you that they put a lot of thought into, you should be grateful to receive it, even if it is tacky. It's one thing if he got it just because it was expensive because there's not much thought put into it, but that's obviusly not the case. The OP's wife should be grateful that he even remembered their anniversary. OP: Your wife is an ungrateful bitch.

you shouldve bought her the red horn charm and a chain, guido.

Escapist28 0

Go to They have some deals where you can get two roses for under $100 =)

Amortifiedperson 0

My god I know a ton of people who would love that kind of gift! FYL :(

What the hell is too italian? I am slightly offended. And that sounds really pretty i would love it if my boyfriend gave me that. FYL.