By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I gave my wife of four years a special anniversary gift: a red rose dipped in liquid gold so that she would cherish and admire it forever. She told me it was too "Italian" looking. I now have a hundred dollar rose sitting in my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 249
You deserved it 6 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but your wife is an ignorant bitch.

boatkicker 4

aww. I'm sorry. that sucks. What does too "Italian" mean? whats wrong with italian looking things?


yaknowiverse 0

she's a bitch. I'm Italian!! I would've accepted the ******* rose! speaking of roses, my boyfriend gave me black ones. I love them.

chloebolton 0

wtf if she don't appreciate your gifts don't get here anyy!

MrJennyV1 0

Shoulda dipped it in chocolate. Maybe not as long lasting as gold, but unless she has something against Belgians, she won't bitch~

awww that's a wonderful gift to get someone if she honestly can't appreciate a gift as wonderful as that then get her something so crappy that she would rather the rose dipped in gold