By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I gave my wife of four years a special anniversary gift: a red rose dipped in liquid gold so that she would cherish and admire it forever. She told me it was too "Italian" looking. I now have a hundred dollar rose sitting in my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 249
You deserved it 6 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but your wife is an ignorant bitch.

boatkicker 4

aww. I'm sorry. that sucks. What does too "Italian" mean? whats wrong with italian looking things?


Whether OP's wife is into stuff like that or not, she should be happy she got SOMETHING, especially something that's worth so much money. Most husbands never get their wives anything, or if they do, it's not worth much more than $10 or $20. I think he's too good for her.

That's a bs reason to not take a gift like that. you're wife is ignorant.

how does it look italian you didnt put it in pizza

thats the sweetest thing i've ever heard ( the rose thing) and her turning it down.... thats soooooo rude!!!!

npaoline 0

what's wrong with it looking Italian?! im Italian bitch!

droplets 0

I think that was a beautiful gesture, and your wife is an uppity princess. Sorry your gift wasn't appreciated the way it should've been.

Omfg I had to comment but what a bitch.. how ungreatful. Ugh I hate woman like that. I would be happy if a Guy picked a flower outtta the grass for me. Smh