By todayJman03 - 22/12/2009 13:03 - United States

Today, I gave my wife her anniversary card. She started to giggle then walked in our bedroom and came back with the exact same card from last year. This is the second time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 199
You deserved it 35 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

that is so flipping cute that you accidentally did that!


Eddyoftheabc 0

And that's why she loves you. :CD

myself009 0

i made this account just because i had to comment this. this is not a ydi or a fml. this is really cute. i definitely agree with whoever suggested making this a cute tradition. give her the same card every year with whatever gift you think she'll like the most. that way it would be even more thoughtful.

babylon_pride 0

Really, don't feel bad. That's so cute. :) And understandable. If you like a card, really like it, you'd pick it again and again. So it shows her that you care enough to read every card and pick one you like. And also shows that she cares enough to keep the one from previous years. Just smile, shrug, and try not to do it again. She's definitely happy that you remembered and that you got a card you like a lot. Random but wow, your store recycles cards for a while. We change them out here every so often.

logic718 0

bad memory much? at least he gave it the effort

Whoaa she could have reacted a lot worse. Consider yourself lucky, sir (: (Where's the FML?)

My parents have done this to me, 3 times, with the same card. XP

Darth_Taco 14

I can see my own boyfriend doing the exact same thing. He has a horrible memory. I got a better story for you that might help you feel better. One time in the middle of sex he thought he was dreaming. Apparently he dreams of giving me anal xD. He's adorable. Anyway, you're lucky. I see too many dumb bitches who completely lose it on small things like this. Good luck with your memory. Google "improving my memory", that should help.

I have done this numerous times. I like the same cards apparently. now my wife expects it. i think i have done it five times now.