By todayJman03 - 22/12/2009 13:03 - United States

Today, I gave my wife her anniversary card. She started to giggle then walked in our bedroom and came back with the exact same card from last year. This is the second time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 199
You deserved it 35 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

that is so flipping cute that you accidentally did that!


Tromboneguy29 0

You're lucky. My girlfriend would go super-bitch on me if I did that.

nightswimming 0

Haha, my ex's dad did this to his mom, but 3 or 4 times he got the same card. It's an ongoing joke in his family :P

suesblues 0

Awww, I think that's kind of cute! I would have giggled too.

at least she giggled and thought it was cute, (she wouldn't have giggled if she didn't) and it shows her your feeling are still exactly the same.

FHGrif 0
dstroyr0153 0

get the same one next year on purpose!!! (but have a spare for if she gets mad or something)

vibrantskies 0

well, at least you REMEMBERED to get her a card. i think this is kinda cute. the giggling sounds more playful, than making fun of... as if she found it cute.

make this a silly tradition -- good suggestion .

pancakegremlin 0

I fail to see the FML here. This is one reason why MLIA is wayy better!