By todayJman03 - 22/12/2009 13:03 - United States

Today, I gave my wife her anniversary card. She started to giggle then walked in our bedroom and came back with the exact same card from last year. This is the second time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 199
You deserved it 35 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

that is so flipping cute that you accidentally did that!


Hey, at least you made an attempt and she seemed to be good humored about it.

I'm baffled by how this happens. Is there a shortage of cards in Hawaii? Where I am, there are 546,536,267,156,198 cards to choose from in almost every card shop, and they usually rotate what they have season to season and year to year. Did you go to the same shop with only 4 cards to choose from? Even then, I usually can remember what cards I bought for someone already, though that may be because I tend to pick funny ones that stand out. I find this funny, but I don't understand how you managed to do that in the first place.

ur lucky she giggled and didnt beat ur ass

Honestly, that's pretty cute. If I were her I would've reacted the same way. Your life isn't ******. Celebrate!

Ay. I've done it before too. Infact my girlfriend thought it was cute and said that it just means that i felt the same way about her for that long

Wouldn't it be more unimaginative to just buy a completely different card? That's what everyone does. Doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to follow the masses to the greeting card aisle.

I could see my wife doing this, she has the worst memory. I commonly have to stop her in the middle of stories and tell her that she has already shared them with me several times. I think it's one of her more adorable traits, and it definitely gives us something to laugh about frequently.

I'm glad she giggled. :D That makes it cute.

Agreed. She took that unbelievably well. Sounds like you two have a very cute relationship. F your memory though.

jewelzgalore 0

aw that's cute. it sounds like you two have a great relationship