By Anonymous - 22/12/2009 18:02 - United States

Today, I discovered that my bed has a flea infestation. I discovered it after sleeping naked in it for about an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 652
You deserved it 6 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

"pics or it didn't happen?" oh yeah baby let me see you covered in fleas you sexy mutt!


shadowkiss13 0

ummm eww that wold suck id probably faint no wait first id scream then id faint cause i cannot stand bugs

thinmint 0

"pics or it didn't happen?" oh yeah baby let me see you covered in fleas you sexy mutt!

GR3453m0nk3y 4

well id be happy i wasnt wearing clothes cuz then itd prolly be pretty hard to get them out of the clothes those things stick like nobodies business

boatkicker 4

Fleas generally dont stay in clothes. If you've got fleas in your clothes you've got a problem, but just run them through the wash and you'll be fine.

Cheerbaby016 0

haha anddd you didn't notice thiis before?? hahaha smoothh

Cheerbaby016 0

haha and you would know how?? haha :)


interesting, how did you find out?

pwincessa23 1

because he was bitten genious! ohh sorry ur a blonde... how about: the little bugs on his bed were hunwy so they drank his blood. he was left with boo boos all over his body.

FDaddyPrime 0

lmao boo boos you went mad hard

wow that sucks lols. i jst. got bit by a flea lastnight as well. my right leg looks like a crunch bar :/ , fol.!