By todayJman03 - 22/12/2009 13:03 - United States

Today, I gave my wife her anniversary card. She started to giggle then walked in our bedroom and came back with the exact same card from last year. This is the second time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 199
You deserved it 35 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

that is so flipping cute that you accidentally did that!


I think this is actually kind of nice, she giggled and didn't mind. I would think it was cute anyways, and happy that you remember at all. Don't feel bad, OP. Sounds like you and your wife are happy together.

JessiKitty_lol 7

At least she giggled, lol. Be thankful she wasn't pissed :)

noone002 0

haha at least she wasn't mad :) thats actually pretty cute. i blame the stores for not getting new cards

Hmmm...must have pretty bad memory. lol. Good luck with that :)

Sounds like you have a new tradition. Don't fret, because if you do it next year it'll be cute! This is tradition for my father. He bought my grandfather (his father) Aquavelva aftershave one year when he was younger. Since then, it's been Christmas tradition to buy it for his father.

Comentator 0

The is happens. One year we my wife and I exchanged the exact same cards. My parents did the same thing.

Too cute, at least she giggled! Its hard to find a different card, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up doing this in the future.

if you have a brain, trying to memorize something

califormula 0

You don't know how lucky you are to have a wife who took that so lightly.

franwins0827 7

At least she thought it was funny instead of getting upset. :-)