By todayJman03 - 22/12/2009 13:03 - United States

Today, I gave my wife her anniversary card. She started to giggle then walked in our bedroom and came back with the exact same card from last year. This is the second time I've done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 199
You deserved it 35 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

that is so flipping cute that you accidentally did that!


Sun_Kissed18 25

Unimaginative? He could have just forgotten. My boyfriend has a terrible memory so I could see him doing this easily. I'd laugh too, and he;d probably be annoyed with himself.

Actually, I would find that really cute. Lawl.

epic_phail 0

Wheres the Fml?? So your an idiot ok. so what?

LOL, you're such a guy. It's cool your wife has a sense of humor, and she didn't freak out and throw a drama fit screaming "you never cared!!!!"

sportsnut 0

good thing she finds this entertaining haha, most women who are HUGE bitches when it comes to that stuff

Haha, at least she took it well! It's actually kind of cute.

That's not true. Only most of the women who get complained about HERE are huge bitches when it comes to that stuff. I imagine MOST women are more like this guy's wife, if they even notice at all.

I wouldn't call this an FML (especially because she giggled)... I mean, at least she knows you aren't just picking cards at random, right?

seven_to_twelve 3

At least she wasn't mad? You should probably check cards from now, or go to a different store.