By daddysboy123 - 06/08/2009 15:40 - United States

Today, I found what I assumed was my laptop, though my mother has the same one. As I opened it, I was greeted by a video of my father waving. He wasn't using his hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 774
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste

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Same thing happened when I looked at my moms iPhone...


alliemi 0

I may just be niave and young, but I actually wondered if it was his feet at first. Can penises wave?

Because we needed the page... I wonder how many people actually went to the site?

Ugh, I did not need to see what was on that site.

Sounds like a very "private" video. Excuse the weak pun but OP FYL and maybe after some therapy you won't be petrified to open your laptop.

bogg_fml 0

i laughted so hard when i saw the page.. nd then when i looked back at the screen it told me i was OFFICIALLY GAY.. **** my life..

You may of seen that but she went through the same thing on your laptop involving a "secret" stash..... That would be an awkward trade

It might be a good idea for OP to mark his laptop as a way to identify it as being his. A sticker or something should do.

Same thing happened when I looked at my moms iPhone...

What a hack! He must have just seen "Bruno."

haha, i thought the same thing when i read this. was it speaking from its urethra as well?

By your nickname, OP, I'm going to assume you learned something from this video.

That is gross. Does op like dad even more now? Haha

Random_Poster 0

I bet your Dad is all thumbs...

By your nickname, OP, I'm going to assume you learned something from this video.