By NAT - 03/01/2016 16:15 - United States - Gaffney

Today, I found out that the reason my soda always tastes funny is because my fiancé likes to mix different flavors together to see if I'll notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 377
You deserved it 2 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My dad likes to fill water bottles with carbonated water and mix them amongst the other water bottle so you guzzle it unexpectedly.


mds9986 24

My dad likes to fill water bottles with carbonated water and mix them amongst the other water bottle so you guzzle it unexpectedly.

Let's just hope they're other beverages and not another liquid that one wouldn't normally drink.

Well you did noticed. Start drinking out of individual cans to prevent further tampering.

Idea to get them back: dilute all their drinks with water. Not enough for it to be disgusting, but just enough that the drink tastes 'off'.

I almost thought you were referring to the FML where OP's family diluted their soda in an attempt to save money. Lol

Welcome to FML. Consider yourself lucky that he's not mixing in other completely different substances or bodily fluids and congratulations on the published story! :)

Agreed. As fml stories go this one is pretty tame! Although I suppose op has no way of knowing for sure that their fiancé didn't put anything worse than soda in their drinks....