Medicare for all

By Chad - 06/09/2020 13:59 - United States - Norfolk

Today, I had to have emergency work done on my teeth after I seized in the shower and smashed my face into the tub. Apparently, the dental insurance I'd been paying for but had never used ended its coverage 4 days ago, because my job was no longer working with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 619
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Check to see if they had a new company. A lot of time your employer will change, and you have coverage with the new place. Happens a lot.

Ouch, that's bad luck! If it's any consolation, cheap-ass dental insurance barely covers anything, so your loss is probably not as bad as you'd fear.


Ouch, that's bad luck! If it's any consolation, cheap-ass dental insurance barely covers anything, so your loss is probably not as bad as you'd fear.

Check to see if they had a new company. A lot of time your employer will change, and you have coverage with the new place. Happens a lot.