By nofrickenway - 25/04/2012 00:08 - United States - Newport News

Today, I found out that my unemployed and very needy mother-in-law will be moving in with us soon. And during my conversation on the phone with her, she expects us to buy a house and my wife and I can "live with her." My wife agrees with all of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 962
You deserved it 2 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to go ahead and stop your mother-in-law now before you have two wives.


Okay, before I start giving advice on this topic: ignore every comment that says 'grow a pair', 'put your foot down', 'say no' or 'divorce her'. All of those are unhelpful and trying to direct you to be someone who can't compromise or solve problems and are basically saying that you should control your wife as if she is an out of control animal which is wrong, it should be an EQUAL partnership, not slavery where you can override any decision she makes. Now, to solve this problem, you need to talk to your wife. Bring it up vaguely at first by saying 'Dear, I wish to discuss something with you.' When she asks what it is, then tell her you wish to speak about her mother. Then tell her that you do not want to buy your mother-in-law a house and live with her because if you are buying a house, it should be for you and her, not your mother-in-law. Explain gently that you understand that she wishes to help her mother in any way possible and that she may move in with you both until she gets back on her feet but that it would be unwise to buy a house in this economy and it would be especially unwise to buy a house for someone else just because they have fallen on hard times. Listen to any points she makes and discuss the topic until you both come to a compromise and don't let it rise into an argument. You have to remain calm and not let annoyance or anger get the best of you as that will not solve the issue. Hopefully you will come to a compromise you both like, or at least a decision that you like better such as renting your mother-in-law an apartment instead of buying her an entire house.

You assume his wife will listen to him at all. She already agreed to the idea, so there's *no* sense in telling OP that the "grow a pair", etc comments mean anything. Nor do you understand that if he refuses to help her, it's not controlling. Controlling is when he's telling her what to do. Please, read through your posts before you do this again.

Oki seriously, there should be a "Mothers-in-law" section on FML.. Poor you :/

Sounds like you need to get the divorce papers in order

aaronlopez20 4

remeber she raised you and put up with your shit too. parents are the best people you will ever have

It his mother in law so its his wife's family so she had no part in raising him