By nofrickenway - 25/04/2012 00:08 - United States - Newport News

Today, I found out that my unemployed and very needy mother-in-law will be moving in with us soon. And during my conversation on the phone with her, she expects us to buy a house and my wife and I can "live with her." My wife agrees with all of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 962
You deserved it 2 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to go ahead and stop your mother-in-law now before you have two wives.


Tell the bitch she'll where we live and won't be picky or not at all.

sailorguy 2

Marriage is for idiots. Your story is why.

perdix 29

Is she a MILILF? If not, invest heavily in alcohol, at some level on intoxication, a mother-daughter three-way seems like a good idea.

RedPillSucks 31

Unless they're both wearing strap-on

simplylost643 0

#89- Yes, but it's also the same level of intoxication that has you thinking it's a good idea to pet that growling dog, because it's just so darn cute. The level of drunk that has you believing it'll be ok if I take off all my clothes here, we're all adults. Things that occur at that level of NOT sober, never end well. Unfortunetly.

That's a bad situation, sorry OP. FYL!

Vaginabutter 15

Tome to put on your big boy pants and say "Hell NO"!

Use the word no it works quite well. Yell her she can sleep on the sofa till she gets a job and an apartment.

theonlysweetpea 10

No. Just hell no! Tell your so-called "wife" to act like she has a uterus