By nofrickenway - 25/04/2012 00:08 - United States - Newport News

Today, I found out that my unemployed and very needy mother-in-law will be moving in with us soon. And during my conversation on the phone with her, she expects us to buy a house and my wife and I can "live with her." My wife agrees with all of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 962
You deserved it 2 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to go ahead and stop your mother-in-law now before you have two wives.


Divorce would take too long, and likely would only make things worse for you. Stand your ground, and have no part in it. If your wife thinks it's a good idea, then it's her choice to blow her hard-earned money to support her "needy" parent. Just make sure you keep your money safe so she can't spend it.

Tell her you'll leave her it's u or her mom. I'm in the same situation my mother in law is 65 and never has had a job longer than six months and thinks social sec will cut it. Fml

Time to get the "monster in law" some medication for her dementia & your wife some therapy for her "co-dependence & inability to just say NO." If you buy a house, it's YOURS..NOT the mother-in-law's so technically SHE'D be living with you, NOT the other way around...I say put ma in a nursing home if she's old enough. Either way, MAN UP & tell them both "HELL NO!"

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You lack testicular fortitude if you sign the paperwork.

I have been there and done that,divorce in 3--2---1---

Sounds like my grandma expect deleted UFC events everything made into a casserole and total domination sorry bro you're screwed.