By nofrickenway - 25/04/2012 00:08 - United States - Newport News

Today, I found out that my unemployed and very needy mother-in-law will be moving in with us soon. And during my conversation on the phone with her, she expects us to buy a house and my wife and I can "live with her." My wife agrees with all of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 962
You deserved it 2 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to go ahead and stop your mother-in-law now before you have two wives.


skittlesmeep 4

Don't sign into it! Hopefully you have the balls to say no.

Grow a fuvken spine wtf is with theas assholes i meen realy wtf

I would just tell that geriatric beeyotch to get to steppin' hun lol.

I guess someone's heading for a divorce

man up! what's wrong with this world where every man is afraid to be assertive?!? some times women have to give a little too us men DO NOT have to cave on everything. talk to her about your concerns and DO NOT BACK DOWN!

Darkreign333 23

What is it with everyone saying to divorce her? NO. DON'T DIVORCE HER. You married her for a reason, so try to get over this. Or at least try to man up.