By JessBaby - 04/05/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I found out my grandmother passed away. When I told my boyfriend I began to cry. Instead of caring, he said "you're getting my bed wet," rolled over, and fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 983
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're better off without him. if he cares more about his bed than your tears, he isn't the right guy

jorygirly 0

what an ignorant selfish ingrate boyfriend. I've heard of guys having no feelings but this is out of control. Dump him


dafodil69 0

aww i feel bad what a dick he is


mouseintern 0

How are there so many people who are willing to be with jerks like this? Its not like something like this comes out of nowhere. There had to be signs of jerkiness before. Why put up with that? I find it hard to feel sorry for people who willingly date people like this. They're asking for it.

good_associate 0

He's a dick. Dump his ass.

Holy crap, what a douchebag! I don't understand how a guy can claim to care about somebody and then not give two hoots when she's upset. Further more, I don't understand why guys like that get girlfriends in the first place! Obviously, we don't know the entire story, but this one seems pretty damn straight forward. Unless there's some magical explanation like he's deaf and you have allergies that make your eyes stream and he was confused or something, I would dump him. You deserve better than that. And sorry about your grandma :(

EWWWWW. Break up with that BASTARD. WTF???? Why are you STILL WITH HIM?

Sorry about your grandma but YDI just like all the other women who choose to be with dickheads like this.

agree with #161 - i'm sure this isn't the first time you are seeing his douchebaggery or his insensitive sign.