By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 16:07 - United States - San Leandro

Today, after months of taking care of my grandma after a surgery, the doctors gave her a clean bill of health and I finally got to sleep in my own bed. She passed away while I was at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 078
You deserved it 1 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My condolences, OP. She passed away well cared for and loved.

Don't blame yourself, you were there for her when she needed someone and she passed away knowing she was loved and cared for.


My condolences, OP. She passed away well cared for and loved.

I am so sorry for your loss OP. Always remember that you took great care of her after her surgery and I am going to guess had some good times and laughs with her!!

FalloutScrolls 25

I'm very sorry for your loss.

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People can't always predict what will happen. Sometimes there's just no knowing.

Because doctors have crystal balls and everything that goes wrong is their fault. You sound like the kind of person who goes to court because of a stolen pencil.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

They didn't lie to OP. I knew a man who was fine and happy one day and died later that exact day due to a heart attack. He had no post medical problems and was about 50. Life is short and unpredictable.

qwertycode 19
pampa31 15

Light Yagami wouldn't kill innocent people

Dude, there's a time and place for Death Note jokes, and this is not one of them.

Um... yes, he would. Re-read/watch it. Naomi Misora ring a bell? L? How about him actually considering killing his sister? Leading his father to his death?

My uncle was literally in that same's so sad...

ahippienamedrae 10

Regardless of your health, when it's your time to go, it's time to go.

cooltatgar 31

May your grandma RIP. Condolences to you and the family.

Don't blame yourself, you were there for her when she needed someone and she passed away knowing she was loved and cared for.

I am so sorry for your loss, OP. But you couldn't have known that was going to happen if the doctors had given her a clean bill of health. There wasn't nothing you could've done, except love her and care for her while she was still here.

That sucks, OP. Is it possible that the "clean bill of health" referred to the major issue, and a smaller but still deadly problem went unnoticed in the meantime?

Hugs....Sorry for your loss. At least she passed away at home and knowing she was loved.

MechanicalKid1 5

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. That must be just heartbreaking.. :/