By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States

Today, I found out my dad ate my pet rabbit two years ago. He said he ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 346
You deserved it 4 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow... eating rabbits is normal but eating your childs beloved pet rabbit is SICK! the fact he ate the pet his daugther had cuddled and loved and would have hated to see die..... killing your kids pet is plain sick nomatter where ó_ò


mygreenhoodie 0

I think the dads a pretty cool guy. eh carnivore and doesn't afraid of anything

amazingdiva21 1
amazingdiva21 1

you copied moot from the app "funny pictures"

cyK0tek 0

That "Moot" from Funny Pics isn't even the same person -.- That saying originated from some Halo forum..

It's not "literally" unless the rabbit was actually ******.

bladomas 2

that sucks, your dad is a ******* idiot, FYL and FRL, R=rabbit

krazy_glu3 0
tans_fml 0

occupational risk of living anywhere in the central or southern us... someone will be eating possum, rabbit, squirrel. roadkill, etc... it's not pretty but it's a fact. very insensitive of him to eat YOUR rabbit tho.

brandong365 0

okay that is not all people from the south I would have never eaten Anyones pet or road kill

Acousticpixie14 6

Ditto! I'm from Arkansas, and I'd NEVER eat something outside of the normal chicken/cow/pig/turkey...etc.

Thirded. No possum stew, no squirrel leg, no deer jerky for me, thanks.

please tell me it was a chocolate bunny like the ones you get on Easter :/

brighteyes81 0

Seriously? Yes, the trama from dad eating the chocolate bunny and telling his son that his chocolate Easter bunny candy ran away made it to FML...

hahahaha OBVIOUSLY! thanks 115 you got te joke! sloww downn brighteyess lol

F3LiCkZ 0

totally, he/she is sad about their dad eating their chocolate bunny

Oh wow... eating rabbits is normal but eating your childs beloved pet rabbit is SICK! the fact he ate the pet his daugther had cuddled and loved and would have hated to see die..... killing your kids pet is plain sick nomatter where ó_ò

ummmm, do YOU eat things that die naturally? GROSS!

Acousticpixie14 6

Agreed. That's disgusting. Go ahead and eat something that dies naturally, chances are, you'll die naturally, too...quickly....