By Person in Alaska with a Ferret - 04/03/2011 20:42 - United States

Today, I found out that my ferret, which my parents had told me ran away a few years ago, was actually given to my cousin while I was at a friend's house. My parents didn't want to deal with him anymore and gave him away for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 951
You deserved it 4 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

Should be Person in Alaska With No Ferret.


I'm gonna guess why this comment was Moderated...

SgtPrinny44556 0

Wow. I didn't think someone with 12 ferrets would actually have friends...

jazziness 12

Ba Zing zeb. I signed up to fml purely to tell you that your comment was pure gold. gold Jerry!

samadams42 0

48 thats what i was thinking

what #31 meant was his other personality has 12 ferrets.

look after it yourself not ur parents :)

YDI for not taking care of your own pet.

clarissa_Gyall 0

that sucks big time! I guess...?

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Maybe if YOU took care of YOUR pets, instead of leaving the responsibility to your parents then this would not have happened. It sucks being lied to, but I don't feel bad that you lost a pet you didn't take care of. I always had pets growing up, my parents made it clear that if I didn't take care of them, then my parents would find someone who would. Now I have two ferrets, a cat, pay my own tuition and have my own condo. Responsibility is a valuable lesson to learn. It sucks, but you need to learn it. I am sorry they lied about it though.

Who says they were taking care of it an not the OP? Maybe by 'dealing with it', OP meant their parents were just sick of having the Ferret around at all. A child can very well take care of a pet that their parents grow a dislike for, you know.

sallen0046 4

It's a ferret, not a dog. There's no reason it should be freely roaming the house unless the OP was watching/playing with it, and therefore there is no reason the parents should have had to "deal with it" at all.

Have you ever owned a Ferret, darling? Some people can't handle them simply because they smell and never got the scent glands removed. Perhaps they got rid of it because they didn't want to deal with the smell anymore.

txgirl09 5

oh really? My little guy is running around as we speak. Every ferret i've owned has been given free reign whenever a human was home.

Except the parents were tired of taking care of it. That leads me to believe that the parents were taking care of it not the OP.

xoxchelaxox08 17

All three my ferrets are free to roam. They are much better at not pooping everywhere and chewing things than my dog, who, for that reason, is kept in a crate when I'm not home. Personally, I haven't noticed any smell, nor have I ever heard any of my friends complain of a smell. Although I think it may because they're very well litter trained, and their boxes are scooped twice a day.

uncbballwins 0

Ferrets are ******* disgusting get a cat.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

My ferrets only roam when I am home. I agree the parents shouldn't have to "deal with it" unless the child wasn't taking care of it.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

@29 You obviously don't know how to read, darling. I own two ferrets. I've never had a complaint about smell. There are drops I put in their water to make their pee not smell, and I clean their cages and litter boxes every day. Plus, at least where I live, every ferret you buy (at a pet store) is fixed and has had the scent glands removed. The only ferrets who haven't had those operations are ones from breeders. If the parents were sick of the smell, then the child wasn't cleaning the cage.

happyFace12 0

1st off, maybe OP was taking care of it but their parents were sick of t. 2. have u ever had ferrets? they can roam the house, I've had them before SO STOP CRITICISING there is NO EXCUSE for giving away your Childs pet and then lying about it.

You are the guy who has been given his little ferret, right?

There is no excuse! How important the giving away a pet do you think? Being a parent is hard if you have such a kid!

EmoGiana 0

I had ferrets. I took very good care of them. My mom just couldn't stand the smell.

Ericca26 5

your a dumbshit.they are beautiful animals

uncbballwins 0

Actually they are smelly disgusting little weasels that shit everywhere

xoxchelaxox08 17

This was meant to be a reply to another comment saying they shit everywhere.

That really sucks, person in alaska with a ferret.

Surely OP's name should be 'Person in Alaska without a ferret'? Edit: Damn. Remind me to scroll down a few comments before I type...

persianjr1 7

who said op didn't take care of it?

DontGuessMyName 5