By Noname - 27/01/2009 19:42 - Ireland

Today, I found the family's pet hamster under my mattress, he's been missing for six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 921
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My favorite cockatiel died the same way. :( I was sick, he wandered under my blanket and fell asleep, I didn't realize till late the next day that I couldn't find him. Found him when I got ready for bed that evening....what was left of him. Shattering. My condolences. FML indeed.


Pop_and_Pixels 0

That must've been devastating... when my brother's cat went missing and we found the body in the basement two weeks later, he took it pretty damn hard.

track_cheetah 0

i wouldn't want to clean that up!

rustyxpenguin 0

of couse it was ******* dead, it's been crushed for 6 moths god damn stupid ppl

My favorite cockatiel died the same way. :( I was sick, he wandered under my blanket and fell asleep, I didn't realize till late the next day that I couldn't find him. Found him when I got ready for bed that evening....what was left of him. Shattering. My condolences. FML indeed.

Of course it was still alive. Didnt you hear...Hamsters dont need to breath like EVERY other mamal on this earth. Their actually conducting experiments at harvard to find out how to pass on this magical gene to humans. BTW sorry about your hamster..How exactly did it get there

Ew. And I'm sorry. And to #9: Wow. That's even worse than how I accidentally killed /my/ bird. Sorry, man.

MukyDaCookie 0

#9 that made me shudder. Im still getting waves of shivers going down my spine. Thanks for a sleepless night.

#16 very rude indeed. I realize this is an old FML but I felt the need to comment. No reason to be so hateful!

obviousxo 0