By homerde - 05/02/2011 06:29 - France

Today, and even at this very moment, my ex, who I'm still in love with, is having sex with her new boyfriend. He's my neighbor and she's making a lot more noise with him than she did with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 352
You deserved it 7 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call the police on them for disturbing the peace !

Good for her if she's found a guy with whom she has better sex. Could also be that she is going a little overboard with the noise cause she's faking it with him, though, or she is aware of you being his neighbour and is showing off.


ifyouseekamy666 0

idk y but this fml reminds me of the song wasn't me by shaggy, 'cept she's not cheating she ditched u haha

she's only making more noise because she knows you can hear it.......bitches are like that

AwesomeAsFcuk 0

Maybe that was the problem.... not enough noise.

just tell yourself the noise means she has to fake it with him and blast some kids music to kill his boner!!

Get a restraining order stating she can't be within 500 yards of you, problem solved!:)

call the police on them for disturbing the peace !

whoisthisgirl 4

lol yes especially since she probably doing it just so you could be jealous haha

Good for her if she's found a guy with whom she has better sex. Could also be that she is going a little overboard with the noise cause she's faking it with him, though, or she is aware of you being his neighbour and is showing off.

TurboTalon 0

u know she's probably doing that on purpose too

atomicJ 0

look for a new gf and start making alot of noise too! make it into a competition. when she has sex again do the same and see who is louder! haha I would!

forgetting Sarah Marshall style :-) start dating your neighbours exes as payback

why would you talk about the dog? you're an idiot. that's completely unnecessary. no wonder YOU look retarded.

What an amazing neighbor you have. LOL.

No shit: "Translated from the french version of FML. Bon appétit!"

UpsidedownKayak 9

I think this would be more entertaining if you three were cursing at each other in french. It's like wiping your ass with silk.

But the Oracle says no. I am disappoint.

Sorry, I can't see that when I use my phone !

if it makes you feel any better op...he's probably a rebound...

bluepheonix 0

Yeah..forget about her. She's using him to get under your skin. If it keeps up seriously call the police.

krazy_glu3 0

battle of the sex noises. and it begins...