By oncehipjr - 03/10/2014 19:04 - United States - Dallas

Today, I found out I'm allergic to condoms. Which would be great if my girlfriend wasn't allergic to birth control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 387
You deserved it 4 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's more than one type of condom material out there

She is allergic to ALL forms of birth control?


elizacandle 29

maybe she can try the IUD non- hormonal it's pricy but lasts for 10 or 12 years. also you can try female condoms, and or spermicide and and if you're really not ready or don't want children...a vasectomy it's reversible! and the hardest one to do accurately is the ovulation cycle one where in you only have sex when she's not ovulating. it involves detailed records of her menstrual cycle, temperature , fertility etc. look it all up and good luck! oh also skin-condoms or non-latex condoms (if the latex is what you're allergic to)

ohishkabibble 21

You're probably allergic to the latex in some condoms, OP; try polyisoprene condoms! Lifestyles has one called "Skyn" which is pretty nice. Good luck!

ninad7 12

you can't be allergic to abstinence

imbatmanfir 15

Does anyone wait to have sex til their married anymore? And it doesn't necessarily have to do anything with religion either but seriously..

So you're saying that when you get married, you immediately want to get pregnant too? Plus some people don't even want to get married (yet). Open your mind.

Do you also buy cars without test-driving? If so we might get into business with my gramp's old car. It's a classic, great condition, garage-only parked for the last 20 years straight. But I'm sure it will drive just fine once you bought it.

You can buy lamb skin condoms, and other condoms that aren't made of latex as well. They also make female condoms that go inside the, err, entry point that she could wear. They have a lower success rate, but If you want sex, I'd suggest using some of the previously mentioned contraceptives.

nitrog100 21

I used to be allergic to latex when I was younger. It's a little more expensive, and your options are more limited, but there are non-latex condoms available. Polyurethane condoms are actually thinner (read less uncomfortable), and you don't have to worry about oil-based lubricants the way you do with latex condoms.