By oncehipjr - 03/10/2014 19:04 - United States - Dallas

Today, I found out I'm allergic to condoms. Which would be great if my girlfriend wasn't allergic to birth control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 387
You deserved it 4 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's more than one type of condom material out there

She is allergic to ALL forms of birth control?


It's like fates trying to tell you something.

it's the latex get ones made out of pvc

There's always latex free condoms, if that's not an option, pull out before letting out your load.

So your doctor said you're allergic to condoms ...... And her doctor said she's allergic to birth control..... What have your dentists said??

Y'all might be interested in a paragard. It's long-term, good for ten years, uses no hormones, and is just as effective as if it had hormones. The downside is it hurts to have it implanted and my cramps got worse and now I bleed a lot more. Depending on the size of your love gun, you might hit against the device during sex, my boyfriend does this during sex but he says it only hurts a little bit. Best of luck to you both!

Well isn't no sex technically birth control?