By oncehipjr - 03/10/2014 19:04 - United States - Dallas

Today, I found out I'm allergic to condoms. Which would be great if my girlfriend wasn't allergic to birth control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 387
You deserved it 4 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's more than one type of condom material out there

She is allergic to ALL forms of birth control?


EspyPsyche 11

Honestly? Get fixed. If you want kids later, adopt. There's a lot of children in the world in need of adoption.

But plenty of people want to have biological children. There's nothing wrong with that, and allergies shouldn't mean that they're denied the opportunity.

I'm HIGHLY allergic to latex. We use ones called Skinn (I believe they're made by Trojan). They're not latex or sheepskin, and pretty cheap compared to regular latex ones. Damn, I wish I could recall what they're made from. But anyway, highly recommend them.

I can't even process some of the pure ignorance within this thread. 1) There are basic types of BC, under MANY brand names. Same thing, different name. 2) He likely has latex allergy. Buy non-latex, please! TRY that before you do the "pull out" (BS method)/anal (easier way to transmit STD's) Jesus!

My boyfriend and I have been doing the pull out method for about 4 years now and I've never been pregnant. Just saying.

Neongreenme 8

Allergic to birth control? Side effects occur in most people, but I don't thing using the term allergy is correct. I don't think you can be allergic to natural hormones unless you're allergic to some other additives (which I'm sure wouldn't be found in every birth control method). Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

there was a case I saw once... a woman was allergic to her own progesterone... and a friend of mine is advised not to take any hormonal bc cuz her sister nearly died of it.