By UrbanCass - 25/06/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with a girl I've been dating for over a month. Before we got started she told me not to worry about the birth control because she could handle that. So after we finished I asked her what kind of birth control she used. She said she meditated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 453
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, YDI. Take some responsibility for yourself you idiot.

No control is the best control.............. You can secretly mixed the plan b into her food or drink


superdudeman 0

Oh, FINALLY! What kind of bitch doesn't put out. You sacrificed a month of your life for this woman! It's only right that you get some pussy out of it! Doucehbag. I hope she is pregnant. You can't just run around willy-nilly having sex with whomever you want and not expect consequences. Plus, she is clearly off her rocker to think that meditation is a form of birth control, something you should have picked up on if you were normal and got to know the people you had sex with before you had sex with them!

jahwn 12

If she gets pregnant tell her you're not paying child support.

That's what happens when you date the fluffy-bunny types! XD

Courttt33 0

I feel for you I really do, but I would have given anything to see the look on your face after she said that!!

I liked this better when it happened in that one episode of "Titus"... If I remember correctly, his younger brother's next line was "Oh. Then can I have my load back?" Fail.

Wow haha you SUCK I hope she get's pregnant!

Wait, you waited a month and you think it's "finally"? Yeah, that makes me feel like you deserve this.

the fact you made this post makes me feel like you need to loosen up!

Wow you really need to know what ur getting into ..... before you get into it

car6435 0

ur gf is retarded. she will have to meditate on the ADOPTION. NOT ABORTION. becuz if it is just by chouce it is murder

yumpinyiminy 0

YDI because you were probably so excited about not using a condom, that you didn't bother asking how she was "handling" the birth control BEFORE you threw it in her.